Founder and President of Forte Animal Rescue, Marie Atake, along with her colleagues on the city's Spay/Neuter Advisory Committee, received a Certificate of Recognition from Los Angeles City Council for their work on the Committee. She is the Council District 11 Appointee to the Committee, which oversees the city’s new spay/neuter ordinance.
The Committee submitted its preliminary report on March 30th, 2009. At the City Council presentation, Councilman Tony Cardenas said, “This report with its 12 recommendations and then some...is worth a million dollars...I do believe that the city of Los Angeles is going to be tremendously benefitted from this report! There's a lot of love, care, experience and attention that you just don't get from a lot of reports.”
He also acknowledged the many hours the Committee members spent on the report and said, “This report is going to be a blueprint, not only for the city of Los Angeles, but for municipalities throughout the country. As a result of the Committee’s hard work, the city now has a comprehensive plan, and it’s now up to us, the policy makers, the Department of Animal Services, and the city to [implement it], so that we can finally become a no-kill city.”
As the head of Forte Animal Rescue, Ms. Atake said, “While we rescue hundreds of animals every year and cherish each life we save, it’s like scooping water out of a sinking ship with a coffee cup. With this ordinance properly implemented, we will be able to finally patch the holes on the ship and put a stop to killing tens of thousands of animals every year.”
Forte Animal Rescue is a 100% volunteer-run nonprofit organization, seeking solutions for pet-overpopulation, as well as working together with the community to cultivate the human-animal bond through educational programs and activities.
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